Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Project

Pictures are in chronological order. After a failed attempt at building the form, I had to bake some of the clay on to make a more sturdy armature. This piece is taking many, many hours. I'm using a mix of 2:1 Sculpey Firm and Super Sculpey, which seems to work really well. I have big plans and a complex thought-process with this one, but I'll share that next time. She does have a head, but that is also for another time.

The sitting female has also been fully repaired. Next step is buy materials for the patina.


  1. Warhammer guy here,

    Pretty cool sculpture. It's pretty cool how it starts off as a "skeleton" then "muscle" then the final body.

    Are you going to make any Warhammer inspired scupltures? Skaven are my favorite.

  2. Hi, I'm the art critic from Day, California. Remember me?

    Anyways don't listen to this warhammer idiot. I almost stopped visiting this site when I first saw those "figurines". Please don't stoop to a sci-fi fanboy site.

  3. Hey screw you "Art critic" who the hell calls themselves a art critic. I was just asking, I wasn't telling him to do it. And who the hell do you think you are it takes a lot of skill and effort to paint those models.

    I'm guessing your just some pretentious art student from some pompous art school in California, well guess what? Nobody cares! Stop visiting this site. No one is forcing you.

  4. The Prince of Nigeria

    Good Morning,
    I was just browsing the site for potential art to add to my collections. Goodness, there seems to be quite a lot of interest and discussion in this piece. I'm very interested in acquiring this for my museum that I'm building.

    Please contact my associate. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances I can only wire you the money directly to your bank. Send my associate your checking account number and pin code.

    I look forward to our mutually beneficial arrangement.

    Good day.

  5. Hey Joel, It's me president of Isacorp.

    Damn, your sites getting pretty popular and you have some interesting visitors. A warhammer fan, a art critic from Day, California, and The Prince of Nigeria? Wow.

    You know my company is looking to expand into the art world through high art and design. Maybe we should collaborate. I know it might be more natural for you to join The Ark corporation but I think I can offer you a better job.

    Keep up the good work. We'll keep in touch.

  6. Woah, calm down guys. No need to argue. I have to say, I'm a little overwhelmed. I've never seen so many different, distinct people commenting on my blog all at once.

    To the president of Isacorp-- the Ark corporation has offered me a pretty sweet deal already, but I'm willing to listen if the pay is good. Seems like being is artist really is the powerful, high-paying career I thought it would be.

  7. Very cool Joel! You are so talented!

  8. Don't think that I won't fight you on this, Isacorp. I can't let talent like this fall into the wrong hands- your hands (your hands are the wrong hands).
    You will never win.

  9. I love your blog for the art, but the comments are starting to be just as good! <3 you!
