In case no-one had noticed, I like making figures. I have a lot of projects going on right now, but the newest is this attempt at making an écorché. An écorché is a study of the body with the skin removed. I've wanted to make one for a long, long time.
Unfortunately, I'm facing an unpleasant decision. I've spent at least 20 hours making him look the way he does, not even including building the base and armature. However, the looseness of the clay and the method of construction are not really right for this type of project. What I should really do now is cut off about 1/8th inch of clay from the whole thing, bake it, and then add the muscles back on. Its never fun to waste so much time and effort. All I can think of to motivate me is that they say you are never really qualified to do something until you have already done it.