I am 22 years old, and just got my BA in English Literature from Christopher Newport University. I am currently job hunting for something in technical writing. After leaving college and thinking about what to do with my life, I realized that the one thing that I enjoy doing most is making sculptures.
I also like reading web comics. There is one called Pictures for Sad Children by a guy named John Campbell. He has a project where he makes a comic for every hour that he is awake, for the first month of every year. This inspired me to do my own version, in which I make a new sculpture every day for at least a month, hopefully a full year.
I have never written a blog on my own before, but I know how easy it is to lose inspiration or become frustrated with a project like this. I am writing this to make my undertaking seem official. If anyone is reading- I welcome tips or suggestions, and I hope you like my work.