Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Studio

I've moved out of my parent's basement, and into an apartment with an old friend. The place looks great, and I'm happy with how things have turned out. My room is nice and big, as you can see, and I've put down some canvas so that I can have a little studio. With all of the work of moving, I've only made moderate progress on my projects, but I'm really enjoying the metal sculpture class at the Torpedo Factory, and I've got some posts planned for this week and the next.


  1. That furniture looks familiar...wait...

    I know money's tight but did you have to steal furniture from James River Hall?

    Or did you do it for the nostalgia?



    You think you can sit on the past furnishings to relive the glory days? NO, those days are gone and the sooner you come to terms with that the sooner you can LIVE! There is no turning back now, we've past that point years ago. BURN IT, BURN IT ALL. Send the memories off in an extravagant and illustrious way.
    Then run Joel, run till you can't anymore. Run till the memories are stripped from your body - memories unable to catch up to your will and determination to thrive and survive! Only then can you call yourself a true graduate of CNU and only then can your real journey begin.

    ...If the furniture isn't from James River...then nice apartment bro. I like the lamp, I think it brightens the room up a bit. (the one on the left)

  2. I'm... ummm... glad you like it?

    It's funny that you should say that by the way, because this table actually caught on fire at one point, many years ago. Right after I stole it from James River. During a fire.
