Monday, September 10, 2012

New Teapot

I like teapots.  This time around, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what kind of teapot to make-- abstract, sculptural, practical.  What I decided was that I should combine my interest in pottery with my interest in figure sculpture, and make a pot covered in nudes.  The first lid fell through the top, so I am working on another one.


  1. That is one of the best compliments that I have ever received for my artwork.

  2. Kenton says: "Transform your hot leaf juice into tea with this amazing teapot!" (He's been a salesman for everything today. cutie!)

  3. Pour some cold cow juice into your hot leaf juice, and add a little crystallized sugar cane juice.

    Its juice all the way down.

  4. It is a rather good teapot. We really must have a tea-party sometime. Truely, we must.

  5. Well, isn't this just a nice blog with supportive complimenting comments.

    Guess who? The real world. Guess what? Your teapot sucks. You know why? Chicken thigh...ignore that last one.

    -Art Critic from Day, California
