Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Remember that you are human, only. Nothing less.

A few different views of a sculpture that I have decided is finished.  Although these photos don't show it (it doesn't show up well in photos anyway, the title, "Remember that you are human, only.  Nothing less" is carved into the side, along with a braille translation.  This quote from Einstein goes along similar lines, and is just awesome overall:

“Everybody Is A Genius. But If You Judge A Fish By Its Ability To Climb A Tree, It Will Spend Its Whole Life Thinking It’s Stupid.”

1 comment:

  1. Great post.The importance of a Braille translation being accurate and efficient can indeed not be overstated. Especially in the ever faster moving world of globalized business, successful information and technology transfer within multinational businesses can make the difference between win or lose.
